Terms and Conditions
- Acceptable Use. Renter agrees and acknowledges that he/she will be the sole operater of the Boat, and will use the Boat in a careful, safe, and conscientious manner. Renter shall at all times observe and adhere to any rules and guidelines posted by Owner, and any applicable laws or regulations of the state of Kentucky. Renter shall be responsible at all times for the safety of any and all passengers in and around the Boat.
- Prohibited Activities. Renter shall not violate any of the following rules and regulations during his/her operation of the Boat: There is no smoking while in the Boat. There are no drugs permitted in the Boat. There are no pets permitted in the Boat unless prior permission.
- Life Jacket Requirement. A life jacket must be worn at all times by all people during use of the Boat.
- Unsafe Use. If at any time Owner determines that Renter has engaged in an unsafe or hazardous use of the Boat, Owner may immediately terminate the rental portion of this Agreement. If the rental is terminated for unsafe or hazardous use the Renter will not be refunded his/her rental fee. Owner shall determine, in its sole discretion, whether any behavior or activity is “unsafe or hazardous.”
- The Damage Deposit: A damage deposit of $ 200.00 will be collected and held. The deposit will be applied toward the cost to repair any and all damages suffered to the Boat during the time of the rental. If the cost of repair exceeds the damage deposit, Renter agrees he/she is fully responsible for the remainder of the costs incurred to restore the Boat to the condition it was in at the time the rental began. Should any damages exceed the damage deposit, Owner will provide an itemized repair bill, including lost rental time (lost rental time begins with the date of the itemized repair bill, and stops when the watercraft is once again available for rental).
- Condition of Boat upon Return. The Renter shall return the Boat to Owner on or before the termination date and at the specified location clean and free of garbage and debris, in the same condition in which the boat was rented, including all parts, and accessories, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Boat mart be returned full of fuel.
- All safe boating regulations must be followed including no wake zones, life preservers for everyone at all times. You are personally responsible for any damage to our boats, other boats or other property caused by your violation of safe boating regulations or of Messer Pontoon Rentals conditions of use.
- Boat operators may not consume alcohol or drugs of any kind regardless of the degree of impairment. Operators shall not consume alcohol during the term of the rental agreement.
- Equipment must be returned on time.
- Any and all damage to the equipment that is caused as a result of the lessee’s operation or oversight is the sole responsibility of the lessee.
- Renter is responsible for being aware of tides, currents and winds.
- Boats are to be returned clean and in the same condition as they were when you took them out.
- You are not allowed to let anyone other than the Renter/Operator use or operate the boat. You MAY NOT allow anyone else to use the boat. You are entirely personally responsible for any damage caused to our boat or to other persons or properties.
- In any areas with marked channels always stay between green and red markers. Remember keep red markers on your right side when you are returning to port and green on your left. This also means that green markers should be on your right as you head out from the marina. Refer to the provided map to determine channel location and approximate water depth.
- Any time you are in less than 3’ of water go dead slow, this means as slow as the boat will go and still be in gear. Do not run the boat aground.
- No pets are allowed on boat without permission.
- Without limitation, customers shall not use the boat in any of the following manners:
- In any type of race or competitive event
- For any illegal purpose or in an illegal manner
- To carry loads beyond stated capacity
- In a reckless, abusive or negligent manner
- No operator shall consume or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- If further use may cause damage to boat or motor (warning light or buzzer on)
- In violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement in any way
- Outside of approved use area
- It is your sole responsibility, as boat operator and renter, to know and obey the “Rules of the Road”. That means federal as well as the state in which you are operating.
- Every Customer must participate in a boat orientation video.
- If any provision of this agreement is found to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this agreement.
- This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and shall supersede all other agreements, either oral or written, with respect to the same. This agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties.